I’m sure you’ll get touched by this stray kitten’s amazing story.
“The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated.” ― Mahatma Gandhi
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Went for a jog and found this little guy with his eyes sealed shut from an infection
Size compared to a teaspoon….
I gave him a bath, but he was so dehydrated he was trying to drink the water
The next day, he was sitting up, but still had a hard time holding his head up. This was when I was really worried he wasn’t going to make it through…
He did get his appetite back pretty quick though, so that was a good sign.
Not playing yet, but looking at my hand…
Starting to be a playful kitten…
When I found him he didn’t know how to retract his claws, I was pretty sure he’d never learn and it might have been from his stunted growth.
Slowly figuring out how to groom himself…He still isn’t very good at it since he never had a mom to teach him.
One of a few flea baths he needed
Being adorable
He loved playing on the pedal board
starting to explore new things
This is what he looks like today! Healthy and happy 🙂
This is how he expresses his love.
Who can resist this look? he’s so adorable
Dmitri loves to cuddle up to me
He now loves to play and looks so energetic!
Via: dmitrigreene
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