The Incredible Recovery Of Beatrix Kiddo, The Left For Dead Cat Found By A Police Officer
Meet Beatrix Kiddo, The Left for dead cat that was found by a police officer in the side of the road. Beatrix kiddo is one brave cat. She did not just give up and continued to fight for her life. Luckily, there are still good people who are willing to do anything to save helpless animals in this cruel world. Read the story of how Beatrix kiddo found a new life after the nightmare she had.
Bea was found on the side of the road by a police officer. I work at the animal clinic she was taken to. She had a broken pelvis, shifted sternum, and lost an eye. This is her journey through her recovery, I’m a sucker for a busted up kitty. She’s the sweetest girl. Shared by kellyt113

Before Surgery

After bringing her home

About a week

Week 2

First stand

No more gunky eye

Jumping on the couch!

She’s so talkative

Lookin at the snow

The family

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My girl

Credits kellyt113 | Imgur
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